To Raise Your Credit Score To 700 fast you need to take action. Doing These Easy Simple ThingsTo build credit, make payments on time, use credit cards responsibly, check your credit report for errors, and consider becoming an authorized user. Diversifying your credit mix will also boost your score. Good credit means lower interest rates and better terms, saving you thousands over time.
Living with no credit score can be challenging, particularly when applying for loans or credit cards. Without a credit history, financial institutions are often hesitant to extend credit, as there is no way to assess risk.

The Struggle Was Real
However, I was not interested in getting a loan or a credit card. I was simply looking to rent a decent place to live with my children. I had no debt, and I paid all of my bills on time. I had a good job with a great income. But that didn’t seem to matter to anyone. All I would ever hear is “I’m sorry, but you do not have a credit history”, or ” This property has already been rented”. How unfair is that? I felt like I was kicked in the gut every time. Then I started to research ways to raise your credit score and build your credit. I learned that it is possible to establish credit without having a credit history. The best option is to apply for a secured credit card, in which a deposit is made to secure a line of credit. There’s no risk, and you’re guaranteed approval because you put your own money on it, which becomes your credit limit.
3 Simple Steps
After researching secured credit cards, I decided on applying for a Capital One Secured Credit card. After all, I had nothing to lose. I started off with a $200 credit limit, ( Minimum is only $50) Good enough. Once my card came in the mail, I was super excited. This was day one of taking control of my future.
Now it was time to set things on autopilot. Step one has been completed. Now it’s time for step 2: Buy something. The simplest way to get your credit history up and running is to buy something with your credit card, then pay it off 100% every month. I figured I would buy something that I bought all the time anyway… a streaming subscription. I logged into my Peacock streaming subscription ($4.99/mo) and put my Capital One Credit Card down as the payment method. Easy peasy. Step 3: Set up autopay. I then set my Capital One Credit Card up to be paid automatically from my bank account. That is all!! Peacock gets charged to my credit card monthly, my card gets paid automatically monthly. There’s nothing else for you to do!
In Conclusion
Now let’s recap the 3 steps you need to take to build your credit history and to raise your credit score to 700…
1) Get a secured credit card. I started with Credit Builder Secured Credit Card, (I added Netflix to that one).
2) Buy something and then pay off the balance in full every month.
3) Set your credit card balance to be paid automatically.
I wish I knew how easy this was to do years ago, and I hope this helps you too!! Make today your “Day One”
Apply for the Credit Builder Secured Credit Card today and get your new credit card within 2 weeks. There’s no credit score requirement.